Arkansas Korean War Veterans Memorial
The Arkansas Korean War Veterans Memorial, located in MacArthur Park, is a reminder for future generations of Korean War Veterans, their proud and dedicated service, the legacy they continued, and the freedom they upheld.
The names of 461 Arkansans killed in the Korean War are listed on beautiful black granite panels. The panels also contain interesting and informative information concerning the Korean War. The information panels surround impressive statues of seven foot tall combat soldiers and Korean children, which was sculpted by David and Bre Harris and is named Arkansas Korean War Veterans Memorial. The symbolism of the statues is explained on an information panel. A unique aspect of this Memorial is the fact that most of the money for the construction of the Memorial came from the Republic of Korea to honor the veterans that fought and died for their freedom. This is one of the most impressive Korean War Memorials in the United States. Take time to come, see, and learn more about the Korean War; it will be time well spent.